Today we’d like to recommend somebody who can make you feel brand new, look brand new and generally take you to a place of relaxation that most of us busy ladies can only dream of!

I recently went to visit Michelle Denham Studio Spa in North Berwick to have a wonderful Antonia Burrell Pure Face Lift Facial with Facial Cupping.

I’m a little obsessed with sumptuous smells and so the session started off perfectly as the entire studio smelt fantastic - the relaxation starts as soon as you walk in the door!

The facial itself was also truly divine! The cupping technique was new to me but had a lovely lifting feeling which almost felt as if any wrinkles were being erased!

Not only did Michelle take care of my face but she also made sure that my mind was relaxed for the entire 90 minutes so that it couldn’t wander to ‘to do’ lists or work worries.

I came away feeling wonderful and the effects are still lasting. I will be back Michelle! Thank you.


(No promises, but we’ll consider all suggestions if you think there is a business we could review here! Let us know.)

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