Hello ladies


As head of the Gilson Gray office in North Berwick, I wanted to introduce myself and the firm to you all. 

Over 30 years ago I moved to East Lothian but at the time was continuing to commute to Edinburgh for work.  Having done my share of train journeys from Drem and mad dashes to pick up children from school an opportunity, now some 10 years ago, to also work in the area seemed too good to pass up.  I had a great job and lovely colleagues in Edinburgh and that was a bit of wrench but I have to say I have never regretted moving to the office in North Berwick.  

The team there has always comprised local people and a few of us have been long serving.  As we all hail from different parts of the county our network is large and local knowledge vast.  I have to say it has been joy working with everyone and 10 years have passed very swiftly.  

We’re delighted to be the exclusive legal and property partner for the EEL, and with Gilson Gray being a full service firm I’m sure there will be lots we can help you all with. Although our window is full of gorgeous properties for sale, we are available for advice across the board on all aspects which individuals or businesses might require.  If you wish to prepare a Will, wind up an estate, talk about your marriage, look at your pension, deal with an employment query, set up a business or settling a potential dispute, we can help with all aspects of your legal, property and financial management needs.  That is a great support to me personally as a private client practitioner as many of my clients don’t just need my services as their lives are affected in many other ways.  The ability to offer those services through our office in North Berwick, accessing great expertise across the board, really adds value to our offering.  

The branding of Gilson Gray may seem quite new, although we are now into our fourth year in East Lothian.  Behind that is a community based team which shares the values of the firm, focussing on the people who matter,  namely our clients and those who work with us and being passionate about providing the best service we can to everyone in East Lothian (and indeed, through our other offices, beyond).  We will always offer a friendly welcome.  Although the last period has been challenging our reception staff have worked throughout to keep the show on the road and you will always be encouraged to get in touch.  You can also come to meet our office dog, Mylo (my dog in truth) who has been with me pretty much from the start of my North Berwick experience and is one of the biggest bonuses in the life I have chosen here.

I look forward to working with you.

Dorothy Kellas
Partner, Private Client

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