East Lothian in a Box - We think you will love this


We’ve done it!  Here at East Lothian Ladies we have long loved and admired the clever makers, designers, growers and producers of East Lothian and been desperate to find them all in one place. So we’ve done it…..we’ve launched ‘East Lothian In A Box’ – a box, ordered online and delivered to your door, which contains an exciting and surprising selection of gifts and treats, all made within our wonderful county.

Our very first box is dedicated to mums – you might have a lovely mum who you’d like to treat? Perhaps you are a mum and can drop a hint to the kids or your other half to send you this box of loveliness to enjoy? Or maybe you don’t celebrate Mother’s Day but simply want to treat yourself, or a friend, to a box of local goodies as a wee pick-me-up?

As a valued member of our mailing list, we are telling you about this exciting launch before we tell the wider East Lothian Ladies Facebook group members.  We only have 100 boxes available for this first box and so we don’t want you to miss out.

Sales are open NOW and they close at 12noon on Wednesday 1st March (or when we sell out, whichever comes first!) so that we have plenty of time to pack your box (with amazing gifts, gorgeous tissue paper and lots of love!) and post it to arrive at its destination (sorry, postage within the UK only) in time for Mother’s Day.

During these tough economic times, we are proud that East Lothian In A Box is able to support a range of really special local businesses.

Simply head on over to:  https://bit.ly/ELinabox to buy your box and then sit back and wait for it to arrive at its destination in time for Mother’s Day. Then, just keep an eye open for our next set of boxes later in spring!

Meantime, if you have any queries or questions, please don’t hesitate to email: anna@eastlothianladies.co.uk

Enjoy and let us know how you get on #ELinabox

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