CrossFit Haddington


CrossFit is for everyone. It’s an approach to training that takes different aspects of fitness and combines them into one highly effective programme. We’ll teach you gymnastics, Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting; you’ll run, jump, row and carry.

Our programming is heavily biased toward “functional” movements, so our workouts pay dividends every single day. And no two workouts will look the same. Our brilliant coaches will be on hand to keep you moving well, and safely, right from your very first session.

Our staff have collectively 70 years in the industry, Experts in colour and hair extensions.

Call: 07341823014


Website: CrossFit Haddington

Instagram: @crossfithaddington

Facebook: @crossfithaddington

CrossFit Haddington

Unit 8
Merryfield Business Centre
Macmerry Industrial Estate
East Lothian
EH33 1ET

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